Black Moonstone Heart 

$ 35.00

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Black Moonstone Heart

6.3cm by 5.6cm by 2.2cm approx

Please note photo’s are close up and cropped so can result in the item being magnified so please check measurements. Photos are of the actual crystal you are buying

Metaphysical Properties

Black moonstone helps to calm your emotions and to decrease emotional distress. A good stone for new mothers, as black moonstone brings out nurturing, feminine energy and supports inner knowing.

Since the moon is in close contact with the tides of the sea, this proximity to the water was also attributed to the moonstone. It was customary to carry the gemstone as a talisman on sea voyages. In general, the moonstone was preferred as a lucky charm used on trips.

A stone for “new beginnings”, Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilises the emotions, providing calmness. Moonstone enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters.

Black Moonstone crystal is a great stone for finance and prosperity. It will help attract a gradual increase in your finances and you will begin to feel more financial security. Black Moonstone can protect against the effects of x-rays, radiation and electromagnetic energies. This healing crystal is particularly good for the colon, kidneys, liver, spleen and stomach and female reproductive organs. It can also be helpful for stroke recovery and brain function. It can be used for painkilling rituals. Black moonstone will also help to improve concentration as well as increase stamina. Black Moonstone is particularly helpful for animals which have been injured or who have suffered strokes. This crystal can be used to help clumsy or accident prone children. Black moonstone will help to improve concentration, particularly in frenzied workplaces. Your home and relationships will feel more grounded and settled when black moonstone is in use. It enhances intuition and inner knowing and connects you to understanding your feelings and emotions.Black Moonstone can be used for general psychic protection

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Crystal Visions NZ
Crystal Visions Holistic Market

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg