
Charoite Pendulum

$ 36.00

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Charoite Pendulum

$ 36.00

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Charoite Pendulum

3.7cm drop by 1.8cm

*Please note photo’s are close up and cropped so can result in the item being magnified so please check measurements. Photos are of the actual crystal you are buying
Metaphysical Properties
Charoite is a stone of transformation.  It cleanses the aura and chakras by transmuting negative energy into healing.  It opens our hearts and stimulates unconditional love.  Re-energises, reducing stress and worry.  Charoite stimulates and regulates the blood pressure and pulse rate.  Improves sleep, overcomes insomnia and allays nightmares.

Charoite Stone is a powerful crystal for all of us, but it is especially important for healers, as it inspires you to be of service to others and to Spirit.

Its energy reaches out to you, to bring your gifts to the world so that everyone can benefit.

Its vibration encourages you if you wish to give of yourself to others.

It is also highly protective, and it is a powerful stone to protect you from psychic attack.  By its action within the higher chakras, it creates a perfect integration of energy.

As this energy moves down from the higher transpersonal chakras, it provides a soul connection, that assists you to take the next steps on your spiritual journey.

If you regularly have high frequency energy flowing through you from the Divine source, the depth and strength of the high vibrations may be difficult for some of you to assimilate for long periods.

Charoite’s emanation will help your body to adjust to the higher frequency energy. It is powerful for both healers and those in psychic employment to use.

Many light workers use Charoite stone, as it is powerful for strengthening the energy that encourages the connection with the Divine source.

Whether you call this Divine source God, the Goddess, or by another name, this stone is powerful to encourage you to trust in the Supreme Being, and allow them to aid you in your journey, through your current incarnation.

Orders Posted Mon-Fri working hours

Additional information

Weight 0.300 kg
