Dalmation Stone Tumble x1

$ 2.00

2 in stock


Dalmation Stone Tumble x1

You are purchasing one tumble

Metaphysical Properties

Dalmatian Jasper is a stone that aids you to break down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself. It may also relieve the need to take revenge on anyone who you feel has done you wrong, as its vibration helps you to release any lack of trust in other people.

This allows you to move forward in life and discover your true purpose for being here. Its energy brings childlike joy and a sense of playfulness into your life. Dalmatian Jasper can also cleanse, purify, and energize your auric field. Its energies will help you remove negative thoughts and emotions that are preventing you from moving forward in your life. It will also balance your yin and yang. It will dispel any dysfunctional energy and fill your life with positive energies.

Additional information

Weight .100 kg