Large Scolecite Soapstone

$ 58.00

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Large Scolecite Soapstone

7.7cm by 5.6cm by 2.9cm approx

*Please note photo’s are close up and cropped so can result in the item being magnified so please check measurements. Photos are of the actual crystal you are buying

Metaphysical Properties

Scolecite is one of the high vibration crystals, and is a strong stone to aid communication, especially with spirit. It is a stone that awakens the hearth as it has a strong resonance within the chakras from the heart up. This facilitates deep inner peace and spiritual transformation.

Scolecite is the stone of “inner peace”, and will be the perfect remedy for anyone looking to relax, especially after a long day. The crystal actives our upper chakras and is commonly used as a meditation tool. Scolecite strengthens and unlocks our third eye and allows for intense lucid dreaming. With it, extreme vividness and enhanced memory of your nightly inter-dimensional travels is very common. When meditating with the intention of auric cleansing or self-healing, it is important to do so from the heart.

Scolecite may work on a higher vibration with the upper chakras, but it also unlocks the heart and pushes it to release anything that may be causing pain from within. This stone is a total auric cleanser and will in a sense do a “spring cleaning” on you when working with it daily.

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