Natural Epidote Fan

$ 17.00

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Natural Epidote Fan

5cm by 2.4cm by 1.6cm approx

Metaphysical Properties

Epidote is a great stone for releasing negativity and raising one’s vibrational energy. It is helpful for those stuck in modes of depression, hopelessness, or other negative thinking pattern. Epidote can inject a sense of hopeful optimism into one’s emotional body, helping to bring the mind into a higher vibration

Epidote is a stone of attraction in accordance with one’s highest good. Epidote amplifies one’s natural attraction for things and situations. If one’s intentions are filled with love and generosity, then Epidote will bring more of this energy into one’s life. If you are struggling with negative thoughts and consequences, Epidote will also bring more of this energy and situations into one’s life until a dynamic change occurs for the highest good. Epidote is helpful in overcoming habitual negativity, hopelessness, and other destructive emotional patterns. Epidote helps to reveal the emotional core of the densities so one may transform one’s thoughts, words, and actions to reflect an enlightened and positive experience. Epidote may help those who feel stuck in their current reality, to create movement and a willingness to pursue their dreams.

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Additional information

Weight 0.300 kg