Polished D.T Jade Wand
$ 65.00
Out of stock
11cm by 3.4cm by 2.9cm approx.
Please note photo’s are close up and cropped so can result in the item being magnified so please check measurements. Photos are of the actual crystal you are buying
Metaphysical Properties
Jade is a special stone that is believed to promote wisdom, balance, and peace. It has spiritual attributes, which are extremely distinct. This prehistoric sign of calm and peace is a unique, strong piece of tool that encourages our consciousness to increase at a higher level. However, jade gemstones perform such function in a restrained and humble way. Because of its extraordinary broad effectiveness, this gemstone is frequently categorized together with the diamond.
Since the prehistoric time, Jade was regarded as a gemstone of nobility, power, and royalty most particularly in the East. It was considered as a manifestation of the worldwide ideology. The jade gemstone corresponds to the atmosphere of the Planet Neptune. Thus, the reason why people who are born with astrological signs representing a water element are mostly fascinated with jade.
Jade is a special gemstone of healing and stability. It relieves anxiety and lightens emotions developed from fear. This stone is one of the many gemstones, which never allow any negative energy or negative influences to affect the individual wearing it. It does not allow the entry of any external negative vibration. It simply protects people from getting disturbed by negative influences as it continues to emit cleansing and calming aura. Jade can also establish a closer connection between the different stages of the intellectual part of the body. Hence, it improves the mental capacity of a person. The ancient people from the East have known all the healing properties of Jade for hundreds of years.
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